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The Zentrum

Logo - Nikolaus Harnoncourt Zentrum
About us

The NHZ at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz explores Harnoncourt’s artistic legacy.


There are three of us – reinforced by our artistic advisor and the team at Anton Bruckner University.

Advisory Board

Companion, supporter and counsellor in all situations…


You can’t exist without friends and partners. These institutions share our goals:

About us or the Search for meaning

The Nikolaus Harnoncourt Zentrum (NHZ) has set itself the task of making Harnoncourt’s universe accessible to posterity by digitising his archive, which spans seven decades, and making it accessible to the public and inviting research and discussion. The aim is not only to be a musicological research centre, but its unique selling point is reflected in its interdisciplinary work as a forum for education. The NHZ sees itself as a ‘torchbearer’ of Harnoncourt’s universal worlds of thought and dares to look at the wider context of developments over the last few centuries in order to venture an outlook on the future. The cultural-philosophical think tank will invite personalities of our time to engage with current burning issues. Young musicians should explore the meaning and inspiration of their music-making and find fulfilment in it. In summer schools, Harnoncourt’s companions will pass on his path of discovery to the students.

The spiritual education of young people was a particular concern of his throughout his life, and he was deeply concerned about its development. Together with the Oberösterreichisches Musikschulwerk and the State Music School in St. Georgen im Attergau, the NHZ will realise a pilot project for youth development in the spirit of Nikolaus Harnoncourt.


Claudia Stobrawa, B.A. M.A.

Head of Nikolaus-Harnoncourt-Zentrum (NHZ)
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Florian Boesch

Artistic advisor – Curator of the think tank
Karl-Johannes Vsedni

Mag. Karl-Johannes Vsedni

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Dr. Emil Bernhardt

Project management
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Advisory Board

vlnr: Mag. Dr Franz Harnoncourt, Philipp Harnoncourt, Elisabeth von Magnus, Martin Rummel, Ulrike Sych, Margot Nazzal, Thomas Albert
vlnr: Mag. Dr Franz Harnoncourt, Philipp Harnoncourt, Elisabeth von Magnus, Martin Rummel, Ulrike Sych, Margot Nazzal, Thomas Albert

Mag. Dr. Franz Harnoncourt

Head of the advisory board

Mag. Margot Nazzal


Mag. Ulrike Sych

Rector of mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Prof. Thomas Albert

Director Musikfest Bremen


Logo Anton Bruckner Universität - Nikolaus Harnoncourt Zentrum

Anton Bruckner University

Nikolaus Harnoncourt Zentrum is a research centre hosted at Bruckner University.

Partner - Oberösterreich

Land Oberösterreich

The Nikolaus Harnoncourt Centre is funded by the Province of Upper Austria.

Partner - Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv

Das oberösterreichische Landesarchiv

The entire archive in paper form is digitised and archived in the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives in Linz.

website OÖLA
Partner - Österreichische Mediathek | Technisches Museum Wien

Österreichische Mediathek

The entire audio-visual archive is digitised and archived in the Austrian media library in Vienna, making it part of Austria’s cultural heritage.

Partner - Internationale Nikolaus Harnoncourt Tage

Internationale Nikolaus Harnoncourt Tage

After Harnoncourt’s death, an annual festival was launched in 2017 at his home in St. Georgen im Attergau.

Partnerlogo - Nikolaus Harnoncourt Zentrum

Gemeinde Sankt Georgen im Attergau

All NHZ events take place in St. Georgen im Attergau, the centre of the Harnoncourts’ lives. The main square has been named after him.

Partner - Concentus Musicus Wien

Concentus Musicus Wien

The Concentus Musicus Wien, founded by Nikolaus and Alice Harnoncourt in 1953, remains their living legacy.

Partner - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien mdw

The Institute for Early Music at the mdw is a close co-operation partner of the NHZ.

Partner - REMA/Early Music in Europe


The NHZ is a member of REMA – Réseau Européen de la Musique Ancienne – European Early Music Network.


Landesmusikschule St. Georgen im Attergau

The NHZ realises pedagogical pilot projects in the spirit of Harnoncourt at the Landesmusikschule. All our events take place here.

Partner - Landesmusikschulwerk Oberösterreich

Landes Musikschulwerk

The Landesmusikschulwerk supports the realisation of our projects in the music school.


The French database brings together the sources and materials of European baroque orchestras on one research platform.



The interest group Semantic Data Processing (IGSD) offers the database Wiss-ki (Scientific Communication Infrastructure). Nikipedia is the first musical Wiss-ki.


Nikolaus Harnoncourt Zentrum needs your support

You can support us in many different ways. 

  • Do you still have documents or information from and about Nikolaus and Alice Harnoncourt that you would like to pass on to us digitally? 
  • Can you add missing information ? 
  • Would you like to share your own history with the Harnoncourts with us?

Of course donations and sponsors are always welcome!
Help us to get better and get in touch with us.


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